Itaipu Binacional, the second biggest dam in the world

Hydroélectrique Itaipu binacional, Paraguay

What to do with so many water in the region of Missions? Paraguay and Brazil found the answer : build a big dam to use so many energy.
The realization of such a project took 14 years of intensive work. And the result is huge as it furnishes 95% of Paraguay’s electrivity and 25% for Brazil!

Itaipu Binacional, the company, proposes a free visit of the site. It is well organised. A bus makes a tour of it, that enables to notice the immensity of the project. However the explanations was a bit poor and we would have like to visit the turbines. But to do it you need to send a written demand to the company…

Anyway, the visit enabled to appreciate the 6km long of the dam and the artificial lake retaining more than 29000 Hm³ of water! If you do not speak the Hm³, imagine it required the equivalent of 400 Eiffel tours in steel and the quantity of concrete as to build the city of Rio de Janeiro. At a speed of 20 floors of a building every hour!

If you wonder about the excedent of water evacuated on a kind of trampoline and then send into the air. Well it is to prevent for excess of currents which would erode the bottom of the river.

One comment for “Itaipu Binacional, the second biggest dam in the world”

  1. Impressionnant ! (Surtout les équivalents en Tours d’Eiffel etc, très parlant). Et en plus je vais absolument vous dédicacer quelques lignes de ma copie de géo pour le concours (thème : les énergies dans le monde) ! =)

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