Here is just for you a piece of Central America straight from León, Nicaragua. During one week-end, the region and its products were honoured on the main place.
There were people everywhere and walking around the artisanal and cutlural stands or watching some concerts and traditional dances. The ambiant was familial and popular. We could see people of every age and social class.
Moerover León encourages culture and young people. Thus here you can listen to a group of young musicians.
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Then followed a group of young dancers and a group of traditional musicians fron which is a song here below.
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During the fest we could also see “Gigantonas” (see picture above and video below) who are papier-mâché Rio carnaval style figures. This tradition happens in November and December. Young boys walk around under those huge figures and repeat some poems for few cordobas (nicaraguayan currency). The 7th of December a festival award the most beautiful “Gigantonas”.
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As we said in the previous article about León, this city is definitely engaged. That is what we could hear during the concert.
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Carlos Fonseca Amador is a national hero, the intelectuel who created the FSLN (with others).
Super reportage musical !
J’ai adoré ce “guantanaméra” bien plus émouvant que dans les productions bien léchées de l’industrie du disque !
Merci et encore !