Our backpacks

Nos deux sacs

The choice of backpacks was not simple and presented an important part in our equipment material. We will have it on our back everyday ! We wanted backpacks not too heavy but enough big to put all our things into. We decided to follow the principle : “Bigger is the bag, more things we put into”. From this idea we finally decided to limit their capacity to 45 liters.

After having visited factorys’ shops in Troyes, Décathlon, Go Sport and “Le Vieux Campeur” we finally bought the following backpacks:

  • For Romane : Kerala 35 of Lafuma
  • For Rémi : Odyssée 45 of Millet

Kerala 35 of Lafuma

This bag of 1,6 kg and 35 liters has a big principal pocket accessible from the top or the bottom thanks to a zip. Its main strength is its back system which is very stuffed and ventilate !
Lafuma Kerala 35 de Romane

Odyssée 45 of Millet

This bag is very light. It weighs only 1,45 kg and can contains 45 liters. It has a very good accessorization, it is well thought ! Moreover the back’s quilting and the belt make it very please to carry.

Rémi et son sac

3 comments for “Our backpacks”

  1. “Dora Dora Dora l’exploratrice…. L’EX-PLO-RA-TRICE… TOU-TOU-TOU DORA !!! ”

    Rémi a déjà l’air heureux de porter son sac à dos ! Il le garde déjà pour dormir ? 🙂

  2. “Sac à dos viens, c’est parti ! Dora l’exploratrice !”
    Oui oui, Rémi dort dans son duvet avec ses chaussures de marche, sa veste en Gore-Tex et son sac à dos ! ^^

  3. Yes ! C’est la classe, et excellent choix de sac pour Rémi (désolé Romane, je suis pas callé en sac pour filles mais ton choix est surement excellent)

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