Delhi, why are you so noisy?

French breakfast in Pahar Ganj, Delhi, india

French breakfast in the Indian way

Delhi is the overcrowded capital of an overcrowded country. Huge, dirty and noisy, it gives a wrong image of India to the traveler who just arrived from the very modern airport.
Pahar Ganj is the “tourist-on-a-budget-area”. It is located between New Delhi and Old Delhi. In fact it is mainly one crowded road offering all tourists classics : expensive restaurants, baba clothes, many tuk-tuk drivers asking every two minutes “where are you going?”, travel agencies and beggars.
You should not feel lonely before midnight in Pahar Ganj!

Lotus Temple, Delhi, India

Hopefully it is pleasant to move around in Delhi thanks to the very good metro system which is reasonably crowded.
It enables for example to go directly visit the Lotus Temple.

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As its name shows, it is a lotus shaped temple, which opens in the middle of gardens and pools. The place is really peaceful.
India is profoundly spiritual and this temple is dedicated to a religion called Baha’i and which says all religions have the same message. It also says men and women are equal and that human being will be salved thanks to education. That is quite humanist!

To sum up and with few exceptions, if you are in Delhi, go elsewhere to experience real India!

eating in Pahar Ganj: there is not good options in the Main Bazar Road. Go on this road in the opposite direction of the train station and turn right at the first main intersection, then walk 5min. You should find some little cheap restaurants (don’t be afraid to enter!).

eating in Connaught Place: when you will be fed up being sick all day long do not choose the McDo but “Pollo Campero” which is quite better.

Cozy Inn hotel: On Main Bazar Road turn right when you are at the same level as the “Nirvana” restaurant sign. The little street starts with fried food stall and public urinals (!). Go on walking on about 100m and going right. Cozy Inn is quite expensive but clean according to Indian standards (350Rps the double room with bathroom and fan). Pay attention that the boss will probably tell you he has no cheap room for the first night but can give you the cheapest on the following night.

4 comments for “Delhi, why are you so noisy?”

  1. Ouiiii le McDo à New Delhi… J’aurai eu bien besoin du bon plan !! 😀

  2. Depuis quand les humanistes et les francs-maçons prônent-ils l’égalité entre les hommes et les femmes ?….hu

  3. On va dire qu’ils partent du meme etat d’esprit, chacun dans les limitation de son epoque. Je pensais plutot a un dieu universel, a l’amout du savoir, etc…

  4. p.s: BISOUS !!!!!!!!! 🙂

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