What does look a so contrasted city as Santiago ? Curiously enough, we could think it is a European town! Of course areas are divers, old buildings adjoin new ones. And we can see children playing in fountains!
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On Sunday everything is closed and there are few people in the streets. It is so hot! Racing cyclists seem however to withstand it. It is the last stage of the Chilean cyclist tour. This sport is quite popular here.
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If you wander around a Sunday you will probably hear evangelist preachers. Evangelists represent more than 15% of the population in South America. And there number is still increasing!
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But we do not pay to many attention to those religious things and we enjoy a good ice cream on the pretty central place.
Très sympa votre façon de nous faire partager l’ambiance sonore de la ville : on y “entend” le soleil d’un dimanche d’été.
Ici l’idée de manger une glace dehors paraît saugrenue, même en écoutant carillonner l’hymne à la joie !
@Claire et Brigitte : Merci merci pour vos commentaires enthousiastes ! Même si nous ne répondons pas à tous les commentaires sachez que nous les lisons tous et qu’ils nous font très plaisir !
J’aime beaucoup aussi le fait d’entendre, on a l’impression d’y être ! Merci.