Bocas del Toro is a Caribbean archipelago north of Panama coast.
By the way, Bocas del Toro means “mouth of the bull”.
Here is our article about the island.
By chance we arrived in the island the day before the celebration of the 107th anniversary of Bocas foundation. That’s why we had troubles to find a cheap hostel: a lot of inhabitants of the surroundings islands were coming to participate.
The evening before the feast, streets were already filled by a joyful crow, and street sellers of delicious spicy brochettes. In the central parc we assisted to a concert by a local group : the Beach Boys. about 10 people playing music from the area (very Antilles-like) and manifestly taking a lot of joy out of it.
Here is a complete song, full of sun and good vibes:
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There are several torchlight procession will playing music. On the pavement people watch while eating fried chicken or brochettes.
The day after we are woken by police siren at 8 O’clock. It’s the beginning of the parades! Every school in the surroundings takes part and parade from morning to the fall of the night.
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Every class of age is there, even teacher, firemen, and veteran. Men play drums and women do majorette or play a kind of little portable xylophone.
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It’s a very nice atmosphere in a town where the atmosphere is already more than relaxed!
Comment faites-vous pour tomber sur des grandes fêtes populaires, colorées et joyeuses, presque partout où vous passez ? Un peu bizarre ça non ? On espère que, bredouilles, vous ne passez pas chez le marchand de poissons au retour de la pêche!! De toutes façons… on aime !
Super les Beachs Boys! très classe les Majorettes!et que de sourires!quel art de la fête!
Merci de nous faire partager ces bons moments!
Mais pourquoi cette fascination des majorettes de tous les pays pour ces bottes blanches ?
No son los Beach Boys, son los Mixtos de Bastimentos.
Ce ne sont pas les Beach boys, ce sont les Mixtos de Bastimentos.