Student status is recognized around the world. However the student card you get from your university is not sufficient to take advantage from students reductions. From several years, the UNESCO recognized as one ISIC (International Student Identity Card) student card. It allows to enjoy attractive prices and reductionsin the world for housing, transport, sightseeing…
To get it it’s quite simple. Go on the website of ISIC and go to “Order a card”. Then you will need a student scanned proof of attendance and passport photo that you will upload. The paiement of 13€ is done online. Then they send you the card very quickly. I got it only two days after ordering it!
Ah ces Écoles bon marché qui ne fournissent pas la carte ISIC directement…
Fallait pas faire Telecom 😉
Avoue, tu as utilisé mon algo de floutage par Paint!
T’es si mignon, mignon, mignon…
ta gueule Alice!
Te laisses pas spamer par fabien, c’est lui qui écrit tous les commentaires…
Telecom donne une carte d’étudiant ISIC, seulement je ne suis plus étudiante de Telecom ! 🙂