
It took time to realize the project’s budget. We absolutely needed to know how much we needed but also how much money we had to find. For our grant’s applications it was really important because it gave credibility to our project.

To estimate the life’s cost in each country we used different travelers’ websites ( Frog on the roadQuel est le coût de la vie ). With 11 184€ for the everyday life costs (transport, food, housing) it only makes 15€ per day and per person. That is not so much but we want to specially save money on housing by testing the couchsurfing couchsurfing, or staying as a paying guest.

We did not choose “around the world plan tickets” in order to be free. We will take our plane tickets as one goes along, which will give us the possibility to change the itinerary if we wish.

budget de la rue vibre

3 comments for “Budget”

  1. Bravo Remi et Romane
    cela ne nous étonne pas votre désir nomade
    dans Romane ily a Rom
    bises pour les deux

  2. Super !! votre site est très agréable à regarder, cela donne envie de partir , de la même façon, même à 50 ans ….:)

  3. @frederique : Merci pour les compliments ! Si tu veux partir aussi on pourra te donner plein de conseils !

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