Tioman Island, varans, jungle and wrecks

Pulau Tioman, Malaisie

2 hours in the over-air-conditioned ferry is a got appetizer for Tioman Island, in Malaysia. The bordreing China Sea with its 28 degrees C surrounds it.
The island is quit big, and therefore the boat is THE way to go around and between the villages. Each village is different, from the very touristy vacation resort (Juara), the budget wooden cabins (Air Batang), to the backpackers place (Salang) .
(TIP: SPC wooden cabins, 30RM/night and to have a good meal go to the first restaurant near the jetty of Air Batang, the nice family will serve you a delicious Ice Lemon Tea and Chicken Paprik)
Not far away from the Equator, the air is hot and saturated of humidity.

Varan, Pulau Tioman, Malaysia

Beaches are good, and the underwater world even better (the island is inside a natural reserve, therefore no fishing allowed).

Juara, Pulau Tioman, Malaysia

And the result is spectacular when we are diving on the fish-bots graveyards, 18 meters deep, the wrecks have becoming a fusion of human item and natural construction : reefs, algas …
For the second dive we explore another wreck : an old car giving a ride to a colony of urchins. Driven by the strong current, we could admire ray, fishes and underwater life of all colors and style (like magnificent sea-slugs).
(TIP : we dived with eco-divers, small dive shop, good)

Jungle, Pulau Tioman, Malaysia

The island is covered by jungle.
Launch the jungle-sound playlist for what follow:

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The trek between Teke and Juara which cross the island is good. As you walk amongst the trees, life is everywhere. At the ground level : trees, ferns, shrubs, and foams. On the tree, orchids grows on pouch of accumulated earth, 10 meters above the grounds. creepers launch their roots to reach the ground, and animals live inside this giant playground.

Like the apses and the squirrels so agile between the branches, highways of ants carrying parts of leaves, strange unidentified animals, weird-singing birds, and one meter long varans. Some are really well hidden, like this toad.

Crapaud camouflé, Pulau Tioman, Malaysia

2 comments for “Tioman Island, varans, jungle and wrecks”

  1. En attendant que nos rues vibrent, un petit air pour Rémi

  2. Superbe !!
    ça donne envie de vacances !!

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