Christmas fests in Ecuador

Défilé de noël à Otavalo

Wandering in the streets of Otavalo, a few days ago, we cross into a large group of children dressed like middle-East shepperds, walking woth the sound of a bras band.

The day after, another procession takes place in front of us, but in Quito. This time it’s more adults and they are cotumed more diversly. In RioBamba, processions happens every days, following pick ups with sound system.
But what the hell is going on in Ecuador?
The answer is simple Christmas madness has taken all the spirits in the country, and in the whole continent.

For monthes we have seen Christams trees for sale and the citys are full of Christmas enlightnings. Now Ecuadorians go in the streets.

L'enfant Jesus

Of course each town has its own way of doing parades. In Riobamba, were the indigenous population is ore numerous than in Quito, men and women dress up with their very beautifull traditionnal clothes to render grace to the child Jesus.
The parade dancing in front of its pupet.
Parades have furthermore a social play, as alumnis massing behind a banner with the name of their former school can be seen.

After all of theses: important devotion to the virgin, very specific devotions to the saints, veneration of the popes, and parades for the child Jesus, are they still monotheist?

But all these parades are nothing compared to the parade in Cuenca the 24th of December. Here it’s solid. Preparation take place for months, and all the city is in the street for 5 hours of parading.

Défilé Cuenca


Parents, children, floats, animals. All are decorated and participate along with their area, their school, etc.
Watch closely and you will see some pagan elements.

Défilé de noël à Cuenca -2

One comment for “Christmas fests in Ecuador”

  1. […] ici que nous avons expérimenté les processions de noël à leur paroxysme ! Voir le reportage suivant. Les gens débordent de la rue et envahissent le très grand marchés couvert, oú l’on peut […]

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